With a renewed focus on fostering industry excellence, the National Electrical Contractors Association Future Leaders initiative is specifically designed to empower and uplift emerging leaders through a comprehensive approach to both professional and personal development, enabling them to thrive in their careers and positively impact the electrical contracting field.
Shane Yount will be presenting on February 20at at 9:30am.
Learn how to:
Align Your Organization: Learn how to create and implement meaningful metrics that resonate from the C-suite to the front line, fostering a unified sense of purpose.
Build Sustainable Accountability: Discover innovative approaches that go beyond traditional performance management, cultivating a culture of ownership and results.
Boost Employee Engagement: Explore techniques to enhance motivation and commitment across your workforce, regardless of their work setup.
Optimize Leadership Efficiency: Uncover methods to streamline decision-making, reduce unproductive meetings, and focus on high-impact activities.