EP 3: The Path to Performance Excellence with Josh Racette

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In this week's episode of The Pulse of High Performance, hosts Seth Davies and Paul Campbell are joined by Josh Racette, VP of National Programs and Development at the Baldrige Foundation. Josh brings a wealth of experience in promoting organizational excellence through his leadership of over 400 training and certification programs. Together, they explore how the Baldrige Framework helps organizations achieve top-tier performance across all sectors. The discussion focuses on practical applications of the framework, strategic partnerships, and how performance excellence can drive sustainable success.

Meet the Expert: Josh Racette, Vice President of National Programs and Development at the Baldrige Foundation

The Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award

  • Established by Congress in 1987

  • Aims to improve competitiveness and performance of US organizations

  • Has expanded to include multiple sectors: manufacturing, service, small business, education, healthcare, nonprofit, government, and recently, community

    The Baldridge Framework

    • Non-prescriptive, adaptable to various sectors and organizations

    • Focuses on performance excellence and continuous improvement

    • Helps organizations address challenges in areas such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and operational efficiency

    The Institute for Performance Excellence

    • Provides education, resources, and tools for organizations implementing the Baldridge framework

    • Offers over 400 different training and certification programs

    • Includes knowledge centers with presentations, white papers, and research articles

    Benefits for Organizations

    • Improved process management

    • Enhanced customer satisfaction

    • Increased employee engagement

    • Better quality control and waste reduction

    • Optimized supply chain management

    Participation and Resources

    • Organizations of all sizes can benefit from the Baldridge framework

    • The Institute offers customized portals and resources for members

    • Encourages internal champions and examiners within organizations

    Networking and Collaboration

    • The Institute provides opportunities for professional networking

    • Cohort-based programs and boot camps available for shared learning experiences

    Data Utilization

    • Emphasis on not just collecting data, but effectively using it to drive improvements

    • Public availability of past Baldridge Award winners' application summaries for benchmarking

    Continuous Improvement

    • The Baldridge journey is an ongoing commitment to excellence

    • Organizations can reapply for the award after a waiting period, showcasing continued improvements

This episode of The Pulse of High Performance provides valuable insights into the Baldrige Framework and its application across various sectors. Josh Racette's expertise sheds light on how organizations of all sizes can leverage the framework to enhance their competitiveness and drive sustainable success. Whether you're a small business owner, a healthcare professional, or a corporate executive, the principles discussed in this podcast offer practical strategies for achieving performance excellence.

If you're aiming to enhance your organization's competitiveness and impact, this episode serves as an excellent resource. The Baldrige Framework, with its emphasis on continuous improvement and data-driven decision-making, offers a proven path to organizational excellence. We encourage listeners to explore the resources available through the Baldrige Institute and consider how these principles can be applied in their own organizations.

For more information, visit baldridgeinstitute.org

  • The Pulse of High Performance: Data in Education

    Hosts: Seth Davies and Paul Campbell Guest: Josh Racette from Baldrige Foundation

    Welcome to The Pulse of High Performance. I'm Seth Davies, Executive Vice President with Competitive Solutions, and I'm joined by my business partner Paul Campbell. Today, we're excited to have Josh Ret, Vice President at the Baldrige Institute, as our guest.

    Seth: Josh, welcome to our podcast. We're excited to learn more about you, the Institute, and your mission. Why don't you take a couple of seconds and introduce yourself to our audience?

    Josh: Well, first of all, guys, I really appreciate you having me on. As you already said, I'm Josh Ret, and I'm with the Baldrige Foundation. I serve as Vice President of National Programs and Development here. My career has always centered around fostering growth, driving strategic partnerships, and promoting organizational excellence. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to work across various sectors, whether it's business, corporate, nonprofit, or healthcare. We've been able to focus on innovative strategies, and that's what I love most about being at the Baldrige Foundation and being able to work with organizations nationwide, helping them adopt the Baldrige framework and achieve sustained performance.

    Seth: Thanks, Josh. Great to have you with us today. For our audience, can you share a little bit about the Baldrige Institute, its mission, and how it started?

    Josh: Sure. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award was established by Congress in 1987. The whole idea was to improve competitiveness and performance of US organizations by promoting principles of quality management and organizational excellence. It was named after Malcolm Baldrige, the former US Secretary of Commerce, who was a strong proponent of quality and efficiency in business.

    The award was created in response to concerns about the ability of American companies to compete globally. Initially, the award focused on three sectors: manufacturing, service, and small business. Over the years, the scope has expanded to encompass other sectors. In 1998, it included education and healthcare. In 2007, it broadened further to nonprofit and government. Most recently, community has been added as the newest sector.

    Paul: Josh, when an organization makes the decision that they want to pursue the Baldrige quality award and put in an application, can you talk through that process? What does it look like?

    Josh: Absolutely, Paul. It's really more of a dedication to an ongoing commitment to performance excellence. Organizations can connect themselves to state programs, which run them through a process that includes applications, feedback reports, and potentially an on-site visit. The big thing with Baldrige is the feedback - what are you doing well, and what are your opportunities for improvement?

    It can be a multiple-year process, depending on the organization and where they're at in their maturity. Some organizations might be doing a fantastic job straight away and move quickly from state to federal level, while others might continue to put in state applications and see improvement every year.

    Seth: Josh, you touched upon healthcare at the beginning of our conversation. What are some of the challenges you're hearing from leaders in the healthcare space at the moment?

    Josh: Well, we've talked about some things already. Leveraging data is critical, and there are lots of ways organizations in the healthcare space can go about that. Staff turnover is a big challenge right now. Financial aspects of the healthcare industry are also challenging, especially coming off of COVID.

    Other areas of focus include patient care quality, safety, operational efficiency, and how they can utilize the framework to support these areas. The Baldrige criteria can help healthcare organizations address challenges in regulatory compliance, patient-centered care, workforce engagement, and more.

    Paul: Josh, with all this rich data you're talking about, the framework you have, and all these measures across different sectors, do you have a way where a company can benchmark themselves against the general market?

    Josh: Absolutely. What's nice about the data related to Baldrige, especially the past Baldrige application summaries for award winners, is that it's all publicly available. Organizations can reach out to us, and we can connect them with companies in their respective industry. They can have actual conversations, balance ideas off of them, and build relationships. This is one of the great things about Baldrige - organizations are all about sharing information so that we can have that collective impact together.

    Seth: We have a question from Julie in Indianapolis. She works for a small 125-employee home healthcare company and is asking if they're too small to be part of the Institute and gain knowledge.

    Josh: Absolutely not. We have organizations in the Institute that range from three employees up to 100,000 employees. We have lots of ways that organizations can customize the platform and take advantage of the resources. Anyone is available to be a partner inside the Institute and take advantage of the resources, whether it be the education resources or our resource partner opportunities.

    Paul: Josh, as organizations go through the Baldrige process, do you highly encourage them to get internal auditors that have gone through your training programs and can really evaluate the framework?

    Josh: Yes, absolutely. We highly encourage organizations to add internal champions for Baldrige. This can be done starting at the state level. We recommend becoming an examiner, which is one of the best ways to get that institutional knowledge. We also have a Baldrige Performance Excellence Champion certification within our Institute, which is geared around giving individuals within their organizations the knowledge to champion Baldrige effectively.

    Seth: Josh, we really appreciate you joining us today. Any closing comments or last thoughts?

    Josh: Just get out there and get after it for your organization. Stay dedicated to the process - that's at the core of what the Baldrige framework is all about. If anyone out there has questions about the upcoming Baldrige Awards cycle, they're welcome to reach out to the Baldrige Foundation. We're absolutely happy to get them connected to the appropriate people and make sure any questions are answered.

    Seth: Thank you, Josh. It's been great. Thanks to everyone who joined us today. This recording will be available on the Competitive Solutions LinkedIn page. Next Thursday at noon Eastern, we'll have Caroll Sams, who has been in quality for over 30 years, talking about quality in manufacturing, organizations, and education. Thank you everyone for tuning in, and we'll talk to you next Thursday. Bye-bye.


EP 4: Integrating Quality, and Sustainability for Long-Term Operational Success


EP 2: Data-Driven Transformation in Education: A Conversation with James Callan